Energy and Aura Cleansing with White Sage

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You will know when to cleanse your energy in your home or aura when you feel lethargic or heavy, unmotivated or need a boost of lightness in your aura or home. Or if there has been illness, it can shift the energy to help along the way too.

White sage is a herb that when burned can clear negative stagnant energy. It releases negative ions which is linked to making you feel better and in a more positive mood.

It’s best to cleanse clockwise motion in each room. Open the windows and doors. You can light the sage with a saucer underneath to catch any ash. You can ask Archangel Metatron to help assist you with the cleansing of the room or your aura.

You will sense and know the energy of your home is cleansed. It will feel lighter.

Your aura you cleanse from your feet upwards over your head and visualise the smoke going over your back and body

It will make an incredible difference to how you feel and bring you well-being and energy.

I always have a stock and they are also available for purchase. Prices start from £6.

Sarah Jayne Atherton